A couple of weeks ago I sent out my first annual reader survey. It was an opportunity to learn more about you and to provide content that is more tailored to your needs and interests. I was blown away by the number of responses and your willingness to use your valuable time to provide for me such terrific feedback. If you responded, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you didn’t have the chance to do so, that’s quite alright. See if the following results apply to you.
My survey showed me that if you are reading this right now you are likely to be:
- Female
- In your late 40’s
- A college graduate
- Earning around $100,000 in family income
- Married
- Working in some kind of white collar vocation
- Enjoying my posts about “creativity” and “inspiration”
You are challenged by:
- Staying motivated
- Managing your time
- Inspiration
- Executing creative pursuits
When you read this blog you want:
- Ideas
- Inspiration
- Encouragement
- A different perspective
If money were no object, in the next five years you’d like to achieve:
- Financial security
- Travel
- Ministry work and mission
- Writing of some kind
- Improvement in your teaching
- Fulfilling a major creative pursuit
You have been reading my blog well over two years.
You tend to read my blog on your computer or phone, and tend to feel that my habit of posting three times a week is just about right.
What you really like about this blog is:
- New ideas and information
- Motivation
- Passion that’s applied to real life
- It is full of insight
- It is uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging
- It’s positive
You have recommended my blog to others, and I thank you for it. Would you please keep doing that?
You’d like me to write another book, provide a book full of inspirational quotes, and start a podcast. I can tell you right now that all of those are already in my thoughts and/or in the works.
You have a great deal of interest in attending a “Fully and Creatively Alive” seminar, which is also in the inner recesses of my mind and quickly becoming a reality.
Finally, your faith is very important to you.
If all of this doesn’t describe you, I am more than happy to have you read what I write. Please keep on doing so. No matter who you are or what your station in life, the time you take to read my little posts means the world to me.
So thank you, again, for reading my work so consistently. Thank you for responding to my survey. It is my goal to provide content for you that will be helpful to you in many different ways. I am always open to receiving your input and would love to hear ideas for products that would meet your specific needs. You can comment below, or feel free to email me at any time at all.
What can I do to help you?
P.S. If you’d like to purchase my brand new t-shirt designed just for you, simply click here.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.