How to Make a Non-Fiction Book Come to Life

The majority of the books I read are non-fiction. It’s not that I don’t enjoy a good story. It’s just that I feel I still have so much to learn. I enjoy new ways of thinking, new paths to creativity, and new perspectives regarding old ideas.

One of the things I recognize about myself is my difficulty retaining what I read. So as I read I underline, make notes, and fold over pages. I often use Evernote to take notes, preserve them, categorize them, and go back to them at a later date. Even after doing all these things, I still have a difficult time holding on to the things I read.

When I recently started reading Making Ideas Happen, by Scott Belsky, I recommended the book to a friend, who also happens to be our church president. He seemed very interested in it, so I suggested that we read through it together and talk about it. He held me to it. He set a date and said, “Let’s get together then and talk about what we’ve read so far.”

We put together our own little book club.

My friend and I discussed the book.  We asked each other questions. We pointed out important passages. We discussed ways that what we read could be translated into our own work and even our church’s governance.

Today I am remembering much more of what I read. I have an action plan to translate into my daily activities what I have learned. I know how I’m going to use this newfound information. My friend and I are going to hold each other accountable to put into practice Scott Belsky’s excellent advice. The things I read, because I have discussed them with a friend, have been brought to life.

Making Scott Belsky’s Action Steps, References, and Backburner Items (see the first part of Making Ideas Happen for more information) come to life has been a blast. Sharing it with someone else has made all the difference. Non-fiction can have skin and bones after all.

How do you make a non-fiction book come to life and remember the major points?

Celebrating Faithfulness in a Throwaway World

Have you joined the Green Movement? As you well know, there is a concerted effort underway to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We are trying to be better stewards of the planet.

But we still live in a throwaway world. Too lazy to throw glass in the recycle bin? Throw it away. Something needs a minor repair? Get rid of it. Don’t like your car? Get a new one.

Then there was this guy named Joe. He drove his Honda one million miles. That’s right: one with six zeros behind it.

Honda heard about Joe’s faithfulness to their product. So they decided to celebrate Joe’s steadfastness. Here’s what they did:

What Honda did cost them very little in terms of their overall budget. Not only is Joe a fan for life, almost 100,000 people have viewed the YouTube video that you just saw. Many are probably marveling that a Honda could go for a million miles. Some are probably even considering purchasing a Honda as their next vehicle.

Have you notice faithfulness in an employee, co-worker, teacher, pastor, or friend?  Have you seen someone invest their time in people rather than just throwing them away, as it were? Is there a person you know who exhibits and demonstrates commitment above and beyond the call of duty?

Give her new car. OK…maybe you can’t afford that.

  • Throw him a parade
  • Toss some confetti
  • Buy a small gift
  • Make it public
  • Celebrate her in front of a festive gathering
  • Provide some kind of respite
  • Send flowers
  • Bring a bouquet of balloons
  • Create a fuss
  • Send a note
  • Get 25 people to stop by throughout the day and offer a word of thanks
Can you suggest a way to say thank you to your million mile hero?

How to Stretch Yourself By Adopting 3 Attitudes

When was the last time you stretched yourself in a big, uncomfortable way? I recently did just that when I attended the Dynamic Communicators Workshop. It’s a workshop led by nationally renowned speakers, Ken Davis and Michael Hyatt. It was the hardest I’ve worked at a conference in a long, long time. It gave me the opportunity to bring clarity and focus to all of the different ways I communicate as a pastor.

We first learned a method of constructing all different types of communication called SCORRE™. SCORRE™ applies in most every kind of communication, especially pertaining to preaching and public speaking. In addition, SCORRE™ suggests a way of questioning oneself and determining the place to which you will be taking your audience. If you know where you want your audience to go it makes it that much easier to take them there.

Every day of the conference we worked with a personal coach who helped us craft and present a speech to a group of our peers.  We had to give three separate speeches to our small group. Each of us were critiqued, evaluated, and encouraged. I can’t imagine a more helpful conference for anyone who communicates for a living.

But it was a stretch. It’s not easy to emotionally open up in front of a group of strangers. But those strangers became friends. They provided constructive criticism. They lent support. They did so because they were in the same boat. We all stretched ourselves.

You can stretch yourself when you adopt three attitudes:

  1. Willingness. An attitude of willingness is essential. You can make excuses all day, every day that will keep you from stretching yourself and taking the next step. I had to be willing to get away from the demands of every day work life, willing to make a commitment to do something uncomfortable, willing to work hard. An attitude of willingness will stretch you simply by making the commitment to take the plunge.
  2. Vulnerability. An attitude of vulnerability is a dangerous thing. Studies have shown that one of the greatest fears people have is speaking in public. That’s probably because when we are in front of people we are exposed to all kinds of risks. What if they don’t like me? What if I forget my words? What if I look silly? But an attitude of willing vulnerability is actually an endearing thing to an audience. Open yourself up and you will be loved. An attitude of vulnerability will stretch you by enabling you to confront and overcome fears.
  3.  Creativity. An attitude of creativity means that you are willing to say, “yes” to paths, twists, turns, and trails no matter where they may lead. At the SCORRE™ Conference we had to come up with three different speeches. It stretched my creativity. I had to say, “yes” to doing each of the three speeches because they were expected of me. What a great exercise. Saying, “yes” forced me to explore topics and expand my creativity. An attitude of creativity will stretch you by helping you discover new and exciting paths in your work and even in your play.

What ideas do you have to help me stretch myself even more?

A Company That Knocks Your Socks Off With Creativity

How many times have you taken your laundry out of the dryer only to find that you had lost a sock? Now you are left with only one sock; or if you have two others of the same color, a trio. It’s a perennial problem for all those who do the wash. What happens to all those disappearing socks?

One company capitalized on that dilemma. LittleMissMatched decided to base the entire concept of their company on selling socks not in pairs, but in threes; not matching, but (color-coordinated) mismatched. They started marketing to little girls. It was so successful that they have now branched out  into furniture, adult styles (including men’s), and toys.

LittleMissMatched can trace its success to a number of different things, including the fact that it allows people to be different and distinctive in the way they dress. Their mission is to “build a brand that is FUN, inspires CREATIVITY, embraces individual STYLE and celebrates self EXPRESSION.”

Beyond that, LittleMissMatched has embraced social media. In their most recent marketing campaign they have used a YouTube video of their president to encourage individual creativity (again…by wearing mismatched socks), and by promoting a fund that inspires creativity in kids around the world. Check it out:

What can you do today that could match (get it?) the three-sock, mismatched creativity of LittleMissMatched? How could you spread the word with social media? What issue or cause could you support while you do so?

How to Demonstrate Loyalty in a Fickle World

Loyalty is like common sense: it’s not so common anymore. It is a precious commodity. It is rarely seen and, thus, valued when and where it is found.

Athletes jump from team to team. Employees jump from job to job. People move from city to city. It’s hard anymore to find loyal fans, workers, or citizens.

It’s even becoming difficult to find Christians who are loyal to their church. In an age of consumerism, the church itself has become just another marketable product that people will quickly leave if they aren’t entertained or if they don’t have every one of their personal needs or preferences met.

And when churches or organizations try to be faithfully creative or inspiring, they meet resistance and threats. It’s so easy to pick up the marbles and go home….or to another church.

Today you have the chance to be loyal. Demonstrate your loyalty by:

  • Complimenting your boss or co-worker publicly;
  • Going the extra mile even when it’s unexpected;
  • Saying good things (about your job, organization, or church) to friends, family, and neighbors;
  • Encouraging others to be faithful and loyal;
  • Using every opportunity to vocally show support;
  • Surprising others with compliments, gifts, or concrete encouragement.

Your demonstration of loyalty will go a long way toward encouraging loyalty in others. Members of one of my former congregations demonstrated their loyalty one snowy Sunday when no one could get to church except those who walked. That morning we had eight loyal people in attendance for worship, all of whom trudged through the snow. Word spread, and their loyalty had a positive impact on others.

Thankfully, it’s only human beings who are fickle. The most loyal, dependable, trustworthy, devoted, reliable constant in life is God. He made sure to send His Son for us, who was loyal to the Father even to the point of death. Nothing or nobody could distract His perfect loyalty.

Please share an example of loyalty or another way loyalty can be demonstrated with a comment below.

How to Win Raving, Life-Long Fans

In case you haven’t noticed from my recent posts, tweets, and Facebook updates, I’m a Milwaukee Brewers fan. Don’t stop reading just yet, because this post really isn’t about that. It’s about fans in general.

Have you ever noticed how a winning team draws far more fans than a losing team? I’ve been noticing a great many more Brewers’ T-shirts, hats, and clothing around our fair city. I guess that’s evidence of what many long time fans would call “bandwagon fans.”

I’ve noticed a goodly number of family and friends who haven’t cared too much about the Milwaukee Brewers in recent years, let alone early this very summer. And yet it seems that they have become raving fans now that the team has seen success. I noticed it already in 2008, the last time the Brewers went to the playoffs. There seemed to be more evidence of fans late in that summer. Now that the team has made the League Championship Series, the evidence of fandom around the city is greater than ever.

Some long-time, dedicated fans resent fair-weather, bandwagon fans. I used to be that way, too. But I’m changing my mind about that. I’m noticing that the winning and excitement is an entree to true fandom. People who, in the past, only paid cursory attention to the sport, are now learning more, engaging more, and caring more. Many are going to be baseball fans for years to come.

There are lessons in all of this for churches*, non-profits, and small businesses:

  1. Create energy and excitement. A neighborhood event, article in the local newspaper, or creative energy around regular happenings draw attention and win “fair-weather fans.”
  2. Take advantage of the energy and excitement of newfound “fans.” No one has more energy in your organization than a new, raving fan. Use that energy to create even more attention and buzz.
  3. Take that growing energy and excitement to tired and worn out members and employees. Energy and excitement is contagious. When long time members and employees see a newfound  spark in others, it’s inspiration for their own renewal. Intentionally put newfound “fans” together with your long time “fans.”
  4. Cultivate sustained energy and excitement through creative use of well-planned events. Intentional forward planning and well-spaced events sustain both new and old “fans” for the long haul.
If you had one chance to create a raving “fan,” how would you do it?

*Please note: Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes hearts, makes Christians, and enables the sanctified life. However, there is certainly human choice in terms of choosing a local church or identifying with a specific congregation. Any human “success” is only the result of God’s grace and mercy to sinners.

How to Take a Message National

Did you know that September 29th is National Coffee Day? Neither did I…until this past September 29th. On that day this year there was no way around knowing it was National Coffee Day. Facebook status, after Twitter update, after email blast came across my screen. There were free cups of coffee offered, people buzzed on caffeine all day, and a greater awareness of local coffee shops all over the country.

National Ice Cream Day is July 18th. National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day is April 2nd. National Kiss Day is July 6th. National Best Friend Day is June 8th. National Corn Chip Day is January 29th.

I predict that you’ll become more and more aware of these “National” days every year. Media, screens, and messages are everywhere. Marketers are getting increasingly savvy about getting their messages out.

With the prevalence of social media, “National Days” are much more national now. I don’t even like coffee, and I was tempted to stop at a local Starbucks on September 29th. Repeated messages in many forms really do have an impact.

We live in a time where it is much easier to get a message out. But there is also much more clutter, distracting from a message. So when you have an important message, and the church has the most important Message on the planet, it’s essential to use every tool possible to broadcast it to the world.

When you want to get a message out, consider these things to clear the clutter:

  1. Repeat your message. Once isn’t enough. If you want your message heard and remembered, it must be repeated (some say at least seven times).
  2. Be creative in the use of media. Tie your message together throughout Facebook, Twitter, your web site, and email blasts.
  3. Make your message distinct. Give something away. Use intriguing art. Tell a story. Ask readers to take action. Do something surprising.

What message will you take national today?

How to Get Ahead with Preparation and Professionalism

Please understand. I am not recounting this incident as a way to brag. I learned a lesson from it, and I want to share that lesson with you.

Our son, Ben, was “managing” a girl who was auditioning for a showcase at Belmont University. Showcases are a big deal at Belmont. Only four acts make a Showcase. They are presented in the Curb Event center, which is the basketball arena at Belmont. Industry professionals are judges and Music Row professionals attend.

The girl that Ben managed happened to win the Showcase. The first thing the judges spoke about when they awarded the win was the winner’s “manager.” They said that of all the acts, this was the one manager who came in prepared. At the initial audition he carried a notebook and took notes. He politely introduced himself and then introduced his “client” to the judges. He carried himself professionally and took it seriously.

The industry judges were wondering if he was available to intern at their companies. The industry professional from Word Records made it clear that Ben was already interning there, and none of them could have him.

In the end, it was the talent and presentation of the act that won the showcase. But it obviously helped her to have better management than anyone else.

Think about your daily life, your work, or your organization:

  • Are you, and everyone else, paying attention? Ben demonstrated that he was paying attention when he carried his notebook and actually used it.
  • Are you prepared? When he walked into the room, Ben knew ahead of time what he was going to do. He was going to make sure everyone knew who he was, and who his client was.
  • Are you acting in a professional manner? Do your dress and your posture exude confidence? Do your manners and mannerism show respect?
  • Are you putting the needs of others before your own? For the good of his “client,” everything Ben did in front of the judges, and behind the scenes at the show, was not for himself but for the good of the team.

Ben’s experience taught me that preparation and professionalism create opportunities for individuals and for teams. People notice those who distinguish themselves. They recognize excellence. They want to associate themselves with people who stand out.

What suggestions do you have for making a mark and distinguishing yourself or your organization?

Embracing Change (Even Facebook Change)

Maybe it’s just my personality, but I enjoy change.

Even Facebook change.

This is probably the fourth iteration of Facebook that I have passed through since I first joined the social media giant. Every single time there has been an explosion of protest. Every single time it takes about two weeks for people settle in, learn the changes, and completely forget what they were complaining about.

The thing that really surprises me about the current outcry is the people who are crying the loudest. It seems to me that the most vocal complainers are the ones typically associated with pushing for change in other areas of life: young people; those in their late teens to late twenties.

It just goes to show that change is difficult for most everyone. If you take someone out of his comfort zone, if you mess with her status quo, if you make an alteration in what he expects, well…then you can expect to hear about it. You may even lose a fan, customer, or church member.

Change must be crafted carefully and gently by those making the change. But I believe that those on the receiving end of change have the opportunity to respond and react in ways other than crying, whining, or complaining about it.

When my new Facebook screen popped up, I embraced the change and took five steps. These five steps can help in the face of any kind of change:

  1. Accept it as a challenge. I saw the new lists, groups, and sidebars, and started exploring. I did a bit of research on the internet. I wasn’t going to let Facebook defeat me. I was going to accept the challenge, overcome the obstacles, and conquer that which I feared.
  2. Learn from it. The new Facebook provided me the opportunity to learn and discover things that could help me navigate my way around the change. It helped broaden my perspective and open my mind to new possibilities and ideas with this wonderful tool for communication.
  3. Discover the benefits. I learned that with the new Facebook there is an emphasis on pictures (which I really like; who doesn’t enjoy looking at pictures?), a new way to group people so that I can more closely follow certain groups of friends, family, or acquaintances, and an up-to-the-moment “ticker” of what my friends, family, and acquaintances are doing. It’s cool stuff that adds a whole new facet to this tool.
  4. Help others. When there is change there is always someone who will need help getting along with that change. One of the first things I did was share a link on my “wall” that provided information about some of the new Facebook features. People appreciated it. One person even commented that she wished Facebook itself would have provided such a learning tool.
  5. Be prepared for more change. On the heels of rolling out the new Facebook format, its founder (Mark Zuckerberg) announced that there will be another new feature rolled out shortly. It’s called the “timeline.” It’s a complete revamp of the profile page, and will allow people the opportunity to create a personal online history with words, pictures, and videos. The possibilities are incredible. But, of course, people are already complaining about this coming change.

Following these five steps presents a whole new, positive way to receive and embrace change. The next time you face major change in your life, I dare you to try it.

What’s your best tool for dealing with change?

What to Do When It Feels Like Things Are Falling Apart

Every once in a while it simply seems like things are falling apart. Someone lets you down. Something doesn’t work out. More tasks get piled up. A perfectly structured plan gets all messed up. Your life, or at least one aspect of it, is swirling out of control.

This week I found out that we lost a youth volunteer, a musician for one of our main worship services, and a teacher for one of our classes. On top of that, we have major events taking place in our church and school over the next week. In the mean time, “regular” work like planning services and writing sermons goes on.

Guess who’s responsibility it is to make sure this is all covered? Yep. Yours truly.

I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you a few extra anvils were placed on my shoulders. It takes its toll. But it’s not insurmountable.

With a little regrouping, the pieces can be put back together. When things seem like they’re falling apart, try this strategy:

  1. Prioritize. Make a list of the most pressing, most important, most compelling items in need of your attention. Number them from one to ten. Instead of trying to get everything done at once, begin with what’s most important and work your way down the list
  2. Organize. This especially applies to your time. Going through a stretch like this takes focus. Do the most brain draining work at times when you are your best. For some its the morning; for others its later in the day. Organize your tasks around your most productive times.
  3. Downsize. Cast off and bail out things that can wait, things that aren’t necessary, and things that could be done by someone else.
  4. Energize. Keep your energy up by taking mental and physical breaks, make time to exercise, and get a decent night’s sleep. Do all you can to retain your energy while you make your way through this temporary time until things come together again.
  5. Harmonize. It takes at least two people to create musical harmony. Work together with others and delegate responsibilities during an an overwhelming time to create harmony in your life, church, or organization.

When things feel like they’re falling apart all around you, take a deep breath, take a look around, use the resources at your disposal, and forge ahead. Before you know it, those anvils will feel like feathers.

What’s your strategy for dealing with difficult times?