This past year I achieved some goals I set in January of 2016. I never would have done it if I had not taken Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever course. My wife, Tammy, and I started our year going through this course both as individuals and as a couple. It was a new way of setting goals for us. I had set goals before and never achieved them in the way I would have wanted. But Michael Hyatt taught me a new way and changed everything I ever knew about goals.
I’ve still got some learning to do. That’s why I’m going to take the course again at the beginning of 2017. I achieved some significant goals in 2016. Now I want to continue on with some of those, and set brand new ones in the new year. In fact, the picture above shows one I know I’m going to set: Going to Italy.
Tammy achieved a significant goal of her own. She is quitting her teaching job because she started her own business. This is a major, significant goal in anyone’s life. But Tammy never dreamed she’d be able to do something like this.
Here are some of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of 2016:
- Pay off all credit card debt (We did it!)
- Grow my email list to 1000 subscribers (I started the year with 0 subscribers and now I have nearly 200; it isn’t 1000, but it’s far more than I started out with)
- Bike four times a week (I did it!)
- Publish and release my new book (I did it!)
To be completely transparent, there were a number of other goals that I didn’t achieve. However, setting goals kept them in the front of my mind. Some of them had to do with my health and fitness. Others had to do with creating a podcast and various things surrounding my creative pursuits. Still others had to do with my ministry at Ascension Lutheran Church. They have not yet been achieved, but they are being carried over to 2017 and, with Michael’s help, I fully expect to achieve them this coming year.
Tomorrow (Thursday, December 15th, 2016) is the LAST DAY you can register for Michael Hyatt’s goal-setting course: Click here to check it out. 2017 is right around the corner, and you have the chance to hit the “refresh” button and get a running start on the new year.
Michael is going to make it super-simple for you. But you have to take the first step. And Thursday, December 15th, 2016, is the last day you can! Register now by clicking here. It’s a small investment for the huge change you will see in 2017. The course will give you guidance, direction, and a plan. I wouldn’t promote it if I didn’t believe in it completely, and if I didn’t use it myself.
I want you to have your best year ever. This course and a new way of setting goals comes with an unconditional money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.
P.S. As a bonus, if you purchase this course using any of the course links in this post, I will send you:
- A free copy of my book, Fully and Creatively Alive
- My ebook, Creative Help for Uncreative People: A Boatload of Ideas to Get Yourself Off the Creative Dime
- AND my PDF: 14 Ways to a More Creative Life
That’s a $39 value, completely free.
Remember: You only have until Thursday, December 15th, 2016 to get the course. After that enrollment is closed until late next year. Act now.
What’s your number one goal for 2016?