When “For Better or Worse” Means “For Better or Worse”

Today I saw “for better or worse” in action. She’s in the hospital with an infection. She has Alzheimer’s Disease. She doesn’t really recognize me. But she knows him. And he knows what it means to say “for better or worse.”


Long ago they both said:

For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death parts us, and I pledge you my faithfulness.

We’ve all heard that spoken at weddings, but it’s hard to really know what it might mean until something actually happens in a marriage:

  • A bankruptcy
  • A child with birth defects
  • A knock down, drag out argument
  • A diagnosis
  • An embarrassing blessing of riches
  • A child gone astray
  • A job that takes one away for long periods of time
  • A memory that begins to fail

A promise is made, before God and everyone gathered, that these vows will be kept “until death parts us.” Just a quick glimpse at our world and our society shows that this is all easier said than done. But kudos to those who do it. It takes hard work. It takes commitment.

More than most everything else, it takes forgiveness:

  • “I’m sorry for what I said”
  • “I’m sorry for what I did”
  • “I’m sorry for what I spent”
  • “I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you the way I should have”
  • “I’m sorry that I’m selfish”
  • “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for the kids”
  • “I’m sorry that I didn’t love you in the way that you deserve”

But it doesn’t end there. The work isn’t finished or complete until at the very least this is said:

  • “I forgive you for what you said”
  • “I forgive you for what you did”
  • “I forgive you for what you spent”
  • “I forgive you for not treating me the way you should have”
  • “I forgive you for being selfish”
  • “I forgive you for your absence from the kids”
  • “I forgive you for failing to love me the way you should have”

Then act like you really mean it.

There’s a book I like to recommend to couples about to get married. It’s just as good for couples who are already married. It’s The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God, by Timothy Keller. It will be a boon for your relationship and a reminder of the things that are most important.

As I left the hospital this morning there were tears in his eyes. He meant what he said when he said, “…for better or worse.” He’s fulfilling his vows in a way that is to be respected and admired. It can’t be easy.

But he’s showing that it can most certainly be done. 

With the help of God.

When have you seen “for better or worse” in action?

What Are You Missing About the People All Around You?

I love human interest stories. They’re the ones they tag onto the end of a newscast to keep us watching right up until the final commercials. They’re the ones about interesting, unique, or extraordinary people. Many are centered on folks you’d walk right past on the street never giving a second thought. Yet they have a unique story or an unusual gift or talent.


One of my favorite recent human interest stories is from CBS. It’s about Richard Renaldi, a New York City photographer who is working on a series of photographs called Touching Strangers. He brings together on the streets of New York City people who have never met and poses them in portraits like intimate family. You can watch the CBS human interest piece on Richard’s project here.

What is striking about the piece is that the people in the portraits usually have two very different reactions before and after the picture is taken:

  1. Before the photo is taken they are reluctant. You can see it on their faces and in their body language. How would you feel if someone pulled you together on the street with someone you had never met before and asked you to actually touch and have your portrait taken? It’s uncomfortable.
  2. After the photo is taken they are pleasantly surprised. The people in the CBS story say things like: “I felt like I cared for her. It broke down a lot of barriers” and “We are probably missing so much about the people all around us.”

It’s a good reminder. What are you missing about the people all around you? How often do you take the time to actually get to know people? What do you know about your waitress or the person behind the cash register?

Steve Hartman, the reporter who does the piece for CBS, suggests that these portraits capture “humanity as it could be.” Now I’m not suggesting that taking intimate portraits with strangers will change the world. But I am suggesting that a little intimacy in the form of a simple conversation where we do most of the listening could most definitely be a great start.

I was once involved with a community organization that had us sitting down and having conversations with people. These were usually people from a completely different end of the political spectrum, from a different side of the city, or from a different race or nationality. I can tell you from experience that these simple conversations brought about great friendships that would have never happened otherwise. I’m still astonished at the relationships that were formed when people simply asked questions and listened to one another.

What are you missing about the people all around you? How about initiating a conversation today? Ask a question, then sit back and listen. Take a picture together.

You might just get a glimpse of humanity as it could be.

When have you been surprised by a relationship that you never saw coming?

A Memorial Day Lesson from TAPS

You may not know that the song “Taps,” traditionally played on Memorial Day and at military funerals, has lyrics. We never hear them sung. The song is usually played on a single bugle, with reverence and honor. I’ve never seen it played without inducing tears. And rightfully so.

American Flags

But when you add the lyrics to the song, it makes it even more poignant:

Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh.

Fading light dims the sight
And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright
From afar, drawing near
Falls the night.

Thanks and praise for our days
Neath the sun, ‘neath the stars’, ‘neath the sky’
As we go, this we know
God is nigh.

The familiar tune was arranged in its present form by Union Army Brigadier General Daniel Butterfield in July 1862. Pretty soon both the Union and Confederate armies were using the song. They both probably did so thinking that God was “on their side.” More than that, He was “nigh.”

There’s a lesson in that. People were dying in the Civil War for deeply held beliefs regarding slavery, states rights, and other societal mores. The divide was so deep that legions of armies were losing their lives in a seemingly never-ending war.

And yet they were both using a song to memorialize their dead with lyrics that ended: “God is nigh.” And He was. He may not have been “on their side,” but He was most certainly “nigh.”

And He is.

We’re not fighting a Civil War today. But there are great and obvious divides in our country. On this Memorial Day we may be more divided today than we have been at any other time since the Civil War. Social media and national media have emphasized that divide and have perhaps even deepened it.

And yet the promise of Jesus remains no matter the “side” on which you find yourself today in the United States of America:

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20b).

On this Memorial Day we remember all those who have given their lives so that we have the freedom to believe and express the fact that “God is nigh.” In war time and in peace time, in the midst of political divide, no matter who the next president may be:

God is nigh. 

That’s His promise. He is nigh and hear because He promises to be. He is as near as His perfect Word.

How have you seen evidence that “God is nigh”?

The 5 Steps To Transformation

We could all use a little transformation in our life. Whether it’s transforming from a student to a professional, single to married, from one career to another, or transforming from blasé faith to bold and adventurous faith, transformation is a necessary part of living in a changing world. Sometimes transforming is easy and other times it’s incredibly painful. But laying out the story of an intentional transformation can be incredibly helpful both to individuals and to organizations.


Nancy Duarte is an expert in helping people and organizations tell their stories. She recently discovered the five stages of transformation as she wrote a new book with Patti Sanchez entitled IlluminateThe book helps people lead transformation in their own lives and in their workplaces by working through its five stages. You can see the following five stages in most of the movies you see:

  1. Dream: The protagonist has a dream and wants to achieve it.
  2. Leap: The protagonist takes the leap and sets off toward the dream.
  3. Fight: The protagonist faces an epic battle or challenge and ends up going into a cave to decide weather the journey is worth the reward.
  4. Climb: The protagonist decides the journey is worth the reward and continues to climb the mountain.
  5. Arrive: The protagonist arrives at the fulfillment of the dream.

It dawned on me that the church I pastor is making its way through these very stages. Our church is 66-years-old, and as it is for many churches in a “mid-life crisis,” we stepped back to take a look at what a transition or transformation might look like. That process began when I arrived nearly four years ago:

  1. Dream: We sat and listened to each other about what our dreams, goals, and aspirations are as a congregation. We wrote them down. We came up with a mission statement that described those dreams: “A joyful community of the caring Christ.”
  2. Leap: We took the leap by making changes to our governance structure. We changed the way we planned and participated in congregational life. We created ways for grass roots activities to be easily implemented.
  3. Fight: Change is never easy. I wouldn’t say there were fights, but there were and are challenges as all this takes place. Our leadership group is currently “in a cave” making sure that the journey is worth the reward (hint: it always is when the Gospel is at stake).
  4. Climb: Climbing can be difficult. There can be growing pains. But the climb our church is embarking upon is discovering new and better ways to love and serve our immediate community. It also includes using new media to show and share the love of Jesus.
  5. Arrive: We haven’t arrived at all that…yet. But we make sure to celebrate small “victories” along the way. We’ve produced highly successful and fun events like an Oktoberfest, a sit-down dinner auction, and a 50’s style sock hop. A trivia night is in the plans.

A great exercise for all of us would be to sit down and map out these stages toward our own transformation, whatever we may dream it would be. Why not take the time to do that right now? It could mean a new and exciting transformation is in the works for you.

What would you saw are the steps or stages of transformation?

The Surprising Way Good Design Impacts Our Everyday Lives

Often without even noticing, good design has a positive impact on our daily lives. A recent episode of CBS Sunday Morning (which I’ve written about here), spent a whole episode on design. Different segments on the show revealed how good design has made our lives better with umbrellas, Q Tips, Chinese food takeout boxes, and double-decker buses. You can find out more about all of those things here.


Not much happens in this world without good design. We eat well designed meals, in well designed spaces, in well designed neighborhoods. We drive mostly well designed cars, sitting in well designed car seats, holding onto a well designed steering wheel. We read well designed books, filled with well designed fonts, wrapped by well designed covers.

Doesn’t it figure, then, that we ought to be good designers of our lives? Good things in life don’t often just happen by chance. Sure, there’s an occasional lottery winner. But you won’t win if you don’t play; and even if you do play your chances of winning are next to none. So if you want good things to happen, why don’t you design them?

There are tools available to help you do just that:

  1. Design your year. A couple of tools I have found helpful are Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy’s book, Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want and John Lee Dumas’ book, The Freedom Journal. Both of these books will help you advance toward your goals with a clear purpose in mind. You’ll find yourself drifting far less.
  2. Design your month. At the beginning of each month review the goals that you set at the beginning of the year. If you haven’t done that yet this year, there’s no time like the present to do so. It doesn’t have to be January 1st in order for you to set goals.
  3. Design your day. Google Calendar is the easiest and most available tool around to see to it that the hours of your day are filled with purposeful things. Not only that, but you can now even post reminders regarding tasks you’d like to accomplish. They will follow you each day until you complete them.

Good design makes your life easier every day in all different kinds of ways. Why not use it to make a life that you love, too.

What designing are you doing today to move you in the direction of your goals, plans, or dreams?

One Simple Piece of Evidence That the World Needs More Joy

If you haven’t heard the name Candace Payne, you’ve probably seen her Chewbacca mask-covered face. A silly little video she posted has, at last count, brought joy to over 132 million viewers (…if you haven’t seen it you can watch it on Candace’s Facebook Page here). Candace bought herself a Chewbacca mask that actually makes that “Chewy” sound (I bet you can hear it in your head right now). She sat in her car in the Kohl’s parking lot, recorded herself unboxing the mask, proceeding to put it on, and laughing belly laugh after belly laugh until she could hardly contain herself. The video is now the most viewed Facebook live post of all time.


Now, why do you suppose this video has been viewed over 132 million times and still counting? There are all kinds of theories behind viral videos, but I think the key to this one is simple: it’s the unbridled joy this video demonstrates. After the video began blowing up, Payne wrote on her Facebook page:

Today has been a whirlwind. I’m grateful for every kind word and comment even if I haven’t replied. Y’all. OVERWHELMED with gratitude. Let’s keep belly laughing again and again. Never imagined finding my “simple joy” would land me more VIEWS on a little FB video than Mark Zuckerberg has followers. INSANE. Find your “simple joy”!
Good Day. Now Good Night. It’s all love.

Kohl’s Department Store immediately took advantage of the fame that came from this viral video. Representatives of the store showed up at Candace’s home the next day and gifted her whole family with extra Chewy masks, Star Wars toys, and Kohl’s gift cards and bonus points. Well done, Kohl’s. Well done.

What this world needs is a little more unbridled joy. We clamor after it. We are attracted to it. We are drawn to it.

Want to get ahead in life, in business, or as a leader?

  • Encourage joy
  • Spread it
  • Share it
  • Do what you can in your workplace to make it bubble up like a spring
  • Surprise your family with it
  • Take it to church with you
  • Tell a joke
  • Come up with a pun
  • Heck, buy a few Chewbacca masks and pass them out

Then don’t hold yourself back when you feel a belly laugh coming on. Candace would approve. And so would all those who see you so serious every day.

One of the things this world could use it a little bit more unbridled joy.

How will you spread the joy today?

One Simple Trick to Declutter Your Life

Have you ever actually wanted less in your life? Greg McKeown has written a book for you entitled Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. The book shows you how to declutter your life, avoid being hijacked by the agendas of other people, and use strategies to keep yourself from being stretched too thin. That sounds like a recipe for peace that we could all use in our lives.


In a recent interview McKeown let listeners in on a secret that he uses to declutter and get rid of inessential things in his life:

  1. It begins with keeping a journal or simply making sure that your calendar is up to date each day.
  2. It continues with a one day off-site retreat all by yourself every ninety days.
  3. It culminates as you carry out for the next ninety days the decisions you’ve made on your one day retreat.

Here’s how it works. Schedule a one day retreat for yourself every ninety days. Actually put it on your calendar and make sure you do it. On the retreat this is what you do:

  1. Bring your journal and/or calendar with you.
  2. Turn off all phones and electronics.
  3. Spend the first part of your day reviewing your journal and calendar. What were the things you did that did not move you closer to your major (three or less) goals? What were the things that most effectively carried you toward them?
  4. Spend the second part of your day figuring out the inessential things you can cut out of your life that will not move you toward your three or so major goals. You might even have to make some relatively painful cuts and figure out ways to keep others from hijacking your personal agenda.
  5. Write down the three major goals you want to accomplish in the next ninety days.
  6. Put those goals in a prominent place where you will see them every day.
  7. Focus like a laser beam on those goals and cutting out the things that will not move you toward them.

Repeat this process in ninety days by scheduling your next personal retreat on your own calendar. This one personal day every quarter will give you the clarity you need to declutter the unnecessary things in your life and focus on the things that are truly important and necessary.

Why don’t you schedule your first personal, off-site retreat today?

When Joy, Money, and Flow Come Together In Perfect Harmony

I just finished reading Chris Guillebeau’s new book, Born for This. Guillebeau is a fascinating blogger, author, and entrepreneur who accomplished his own goal of visiting every single country in the world. He is featured in a portion of my upcoming book, Fully and Creatively Alive. Guillebeau has found in his own life a harmony of joy, money, and flow that come together to make him extremely well balanced and very happy in his personal and work life.


In Born for This Guillebeau explains that a perfect career for any one person is one that has joy, money, and flow in perfect harmony. Here’s how he explains the three:

  • Joy is something you like to do. It means that you enjoy what you’re doing most of the time. He says that if “you’re not sure whether your current work sparks joy, it probably doesn’t.”
  • Money is what supports and sustains you. You have to make a living. You have to pay your bills and provide for your family. Guillebeau says that money “isn’t everything…but it’s hard to love your life if you’re constantly stressed about paying the bills on time.”
  • Flow is what you’re really good at. Flow is what happens when you lose track of time immersed in a project you love. In your life there are plenty of things you could do pretty well, but flow work is different. Guillebeau says, “It comes naturally and easily to you. When you do this kind of work, other people are impressed or even amazed by how effortlessly you seem to achieve great results.”

Maybe you don’t have the harmony of those three in your life right now. That’s OK. There is always time to move toward the harmony of joy, money, and flow, no matter how old you are. As a first step you might want to pick up the book.

Beyond that, focus on what you can do today to work on one or two of the three:

  • Joy: If you can’t do what you like to do all day, find the time either at work or after work, to do something that brings you joy. Then do it again tomorrow, and the next day. Make it a habit.
  • Money: If you’ve got debt, do everything you can to get rid of it as soon as possible. Dave Ramsey has all kinds of resources to help you do this. Once you’re out of debt you will have more freedom to pursue the things you really enjoy while making the money you need to pay the bills.
  • Flow: Do you know what your flow is? Ask somebody close to you today what you do well that they couldn’t imagine doing as well as you. It will give you a good clue as to what your flow is.

After you discover and work toward these three things you will find yourself getting closer and closer to a joy, money, flow harmony. It’s a beautiful thing and something worth working toward. But more than that, the world needs the best you have to give. When you find this harmony you will find people coming to you for help in soothing the pain points in their lives.

What can you do today to work on the areas of joy, money, and flow to bring harmony and peace into your work and life?

Lessons in Handling the Unexpected from Broadway Understudies

Can you imagine being an understudy in a broadway show? You usually have to know more than one part — all the blocking, all the singing, and all the dancing — for each role. You often have very little warning before you have to go on in front of a crowd that’s expecting the very best. These understudies can teach us what it means to handle unexpected things in our own lives.


Recently BroadwayWorld.com spoke with two of the best understudies in the business. Sandra DeNise and Sarah Jane Shanks are covering the demanding role of Alice Murphy in the new musical Bright Star. They both have loads of experience both on Broadway tours and on Broadway itself. It’s one of the most difficult jobs in show business. The very nature of an understudy is to handle the unexpected, but to always be prepared to do so.

Here are three things understudies teach us about handling the unexpected in our own lives:

  1. Draw a distinction between how you handle things in public and how you handle them at home. It’s got to be tough being an understudy. You’d like to go on all the time. Sometimes other understudies are selected to perform instead of you. It’s all in how you handle it. When you’re not selected, the key is to be mature. It may mean less exposure and a smaller paycheck, but if you’re unprofessional you won’t work very long in the business. Sarah Jane says: “…(I)t’s important to be able to go home and feel the way you feel about it. Grieve it, be angry, whatever. But being professional means drawing a distinction between how you handle it at the theatre and how you handle it at home.” When you face something unexpected, don’t throw a temper tantrum where everyone can see. Handle it professionally in public or in the work place. Then it’s OK to go home and vent a bit. But don’t let it overcome you and keep you from showing up the next day.
  2. Trust the process. Sarah Jane understudied Sutton Foster when Shrek was in previews in Seattle. She didn’t have a chance to watch Foster at all and hadn’t even completely rehearsed the role. One day Sutton Foster called in sick and Sarah Jane had to take the stage. She was assigned an Assistant Stage Manager who told her where to go and what to do before every scene. Can you imagine being in that position? But she trusted the stage manager, trusted what she had learned about the show, and trusted her own instincts. It was a success. When you are confronted with unexpected things in life or at work remember to trust the things you have learned from your own life experience and the skills that you have naturally been given. When you trust the process and your instincts you will succeed. 
  3. Tell the story. When an understudy is thrust into a performance they have to remember that, in the end, they are storytellers. If they go out with that mindset the audience will be drawn into the story and never notice that they are seeing an understudy and not the “star.” Sarah Jane says, “The term ‘story telling’ helps steer me away from the nerve-wracking pressure to “perform” well. If I think of myself as a storyteller, rather than a performer, I don’t have to stress about living up to sky-high expectations or proving myself to myself, my castmates, or the audience. I just get to tell a story…and that, I can do.” When you tell the story of your family, your organization, your workplace, or your church, you will find others being drawn in even though you may be facing something unexpected. Keep the “story” at the forefront of what you do and it will be the key that keeps things on track.

What do you do when you find yourself confronted with something unexpected?

What I Learned About You in My Annual Reader Survey

A couple of weeks ago I sent out my first annual reader survey. It was an opportunity to learn more about you and to provide content that is more tailored to your needs and interests. I was blown away by the number of responses and your willingness to use your valuable time to provide for me such terrific feedback. If you responded, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you didn’t have the chance to do so, that’s quite alright. See if the following results apply to you.

Thank You 3

My survey showed me that if you are reading this right now you are likely to be:

  • Female
  • In your late 40’s
  • A college graduate
  • Earning around $100,000 in family income
  • Married
  • Working in some kind of white collar vocation
  • Enjoying my posts about “creativity” and “inspiration”

You are challenged by:

  • Staying motivated
  • Managing your time
  • Inspiration
  • Executing creative pursuits

When you read this blog you want:

  • Ideas
  • Inspiration
  • Encouragement
  • A different perspective

If money were no object, in the next five years you’d like to achieve:

  • Financial security
  • Travel
  • Ministry work and mission
  • Writing of some kind
  • Improvement in your teaching
  • Fulfilling a major creative pursuit

You have been reading my blog well over two years.

You tend to read my blog on your computer or phone, and tend to feel that my habit of posting three times a week is just about right.

What you really like about this blog is:

  • New ideas and information
  • Motivation
  • Passion that’s applied to real life
  • It is full of insight
  • It is uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging
  • It’s positive

You have recommended my blog to others, and I thank you for it. Would you please keep doing that?

You’d like me to write another book, provide a book full of inspirational quotes, and start a podcast. I can tell you right now that all of those are already in my thoughts and/or in the works.

You have a great deal of interest in attending a “Fully and Creatively Alive” seminar, which is also in the inner recesses of my mind and quickly becoming a reality.

Finally, your faith is very important to you.

If all of this doesn’t describe you, I am more than happy to have you read what I write. Please keep on doing so. No matter who you are or what your station in life, the time you take to read my little posts means the world to me.

So thank you, again, for reading my work so consistently. Thank you for responding to my survey. It is my goal to provide content for you that will be helpful to you in many different ways. I am always open to receiving your input and would love to hear ideas for products that would meet your specific needs. You can comment below, or feel free to email me at any time at all.

What can I do to help you?

P.S. If you’d like to purchase my brand new t-shirt designed just for you, simply click here.