It’s the first week of a brand new year. I know that new months and years are only arbitrary ways to delineate time. But since most everyone recognizes the new year as a new start I thought I’d share some great ideas. These will help you kick off your new year with a bang before it has the chance to become a bust.
Here come some great ideas for you to try starting today:
- Don’t make resolutions.
- Set goals. Follow the formula Michael Hyatt suggests here. Make them “SMART.” Write them down. Review them frequently.
- Smile a little more. People are drawn to those who are happy.
- Pay off debt. You can do it. The freedom it will give you is unparalleled. Plus, you’ll be able to help and support people and organizations in ways you never have before. If you haven’t yet, check out Dave Ramsey. He’ll get you on the right path.
- Choose your attitude. You can. Check out what Seth Godin says about this. It makes a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you, as well.
- Make an effort to compliment someone every day.
- Start something new. What have you been thinking and dreaming about? Take one small step toward making it happen.
- Plan your week. If your work week begins on Monday, use a few minutes on Sunday night to make a “to-do” list for the week. You’ll be surprised by what you accomplish.
- Set aside time on your calendar to get away. Plan a trip. Go somewhere you’ve never been. It doesn’t even have to be elaborate. Find someplace new and explore. You’ll be better for it.
- Be an encourager. No matter how you feel, lift others up.
- Sharpen your creativity. I can help you with that with the book I wrote called Fully and Creatively Alive: How to Live a More Joyfully Fulfilling Life. The book gives you insights from those who make a living with their creativity. Each chapter concludes with three questions to help you hone your creativity and apply to your own life.
What would you add to this list to make 2017 a great year?
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