Our family never really “celebrated” Halloween. We just never thought it was a totally “appropriate” holiday for Christians. We certainly don’t judge those who have fun at this time of year by dressing up, trick or treating, and the like. It simply wasn’t a priority for us. The darker side of life is scary enough without adding to it.
However, at the risk of being a bit too transparent, here are some things about life that truly scare me:
- Living far enough away from my future grandchildren that I wouldn’t get to see them grow up.
- Seeing people that I really love, respect, and care for live life without faith in Jesus.
- A National Debt that will have a very real, very negative impact on my children and grandchildren.
- Another terrorist attack on our American shores.
- Serious illness in someone I love.
- Never having the opportunity to travel to places of which I dream.
- Earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
- Living life without fulfilling certain hopes and dreams.
- Random acts of violence or accidents.
- Disappointing people who believe in me.
That’s why I lean on this psalm:
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
And on these words of Jesus:
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid (Mark 6:50).
What brings you comfort at times of fear?
I am glad that I will never have to worry about number 6 – I have already taken care of that one. 🙂
…And that is awesome.